Brushing With Braces: How To Take Care Of Your Oral Hygiene

How to Take Care of Your Oral Hygiene While Brushing With Braces

Brushing With Braces

Oral hygiene is an important aspect for everyone, no matter their age. Orthodontists in Brooklyn recommend you brushing with braces your teeth at least two times a day to avoid plaque build-up and the development of cavities.

Now, even though we’ve been told ever since we were young to take good care of our teeth, do we actually know how to look after them properly? We’ve been instructed to brush and floss our teeth without demonstrating the correct way to clean them effectively.

Taking care of one’s oral hygiene would differ from the moment one begins to wear braces; it’s a completely different story from now on. 

You may have already been briefed about it, but here’s a refresher on how to take care of your oral hygiene while brushing with braces. Keep reading ahead to learn more!

What is Oral Hygiene?

We all want clean and healthy teeth, right? Dentists, teachers, and parents would always remind us to look after our oral hygiene. This is the practice of ensuring your teeth and gums are free from bacteria in order to avoid getting tooth decay, cavities, and various diseases or issues in the mouth.

There are many effective ways in order to maintain good oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing regularly, visiting the dentist, and avoiding eating certain foods. By following a routine of cleaning your teeth and gums, your oral hygiene will be in good shape.

Why You Need to Take Good Care of Your Oral Hygiene

Taking good care of your oral hygiene is important because, as mentioned previously, you are decreasing the risk of attaining cavities, tooth decay, and other mouth-related problems. Also, cleaning your teeth regularly will eliminate bacteria and plaque build-up, which can be the reason behind bad breath.

Having good oral hygiene increases one’s confidence. Being free from bacteria and bad breath, a person with outstanding oral hygiene will not be afraid to talk more and exhibit more confidence while speaking.

We understand that sometimes it’s so easy to neglect the proper way of cleaning teeth. But, by continuously following the correct dental cleaning habits, the results are going to be worthwhile.

The Importance of Flossing and Brushing With Braces

Flossing and brushing with braces is a bit different compared to those who don’t wear them. As a brace-wearer, you’re now challenged by these metal wires that act as an obstruction in being able to clean your teeth normally.

Now that you have braces, it’s even more important to brush and floss your teeth regularly. Food particles can get easily stuck in between the wires, making it a breeding ground for bacteria.

Here are guides to flossing and brushing with braces the correct way in order to eliminate germs.

The Guide to Flossing With Braces Properly

There’s a different technique for flossing while wearing braces. Allow yourself 10-15 minutes when flossing your teeth, and ensure that you’re using waxed floss. Using unwaxed floss can tear easily and get stuck in between the wire and brackets, ultimately damaging the braces.

First, grab some floss and cut it so that it’s 18-24 inches long. Secondly, thread the floss between the wire and your teeth and gently press the floss between the two teeth. Try doing it in front of the mirror so that you’re able to see better.

Next, floss your teeth by sliding the floss up and down along the sides of each tooth. Make an upside-down U shape if you’re flossing your top teeth. Do the exact same to your bottom teeth but be careful not to floss aggressively, as this can damage the bracket or wire.

Once you’ve finished flossing your teeth, don’t be harsh with unthreading the floss to avoid knocking the wire.

The Guide to Brushing With Braces Properly

Brushing with braces is a process indeed. Before you begin, make sure to rinse your mouth with water just in case there are any food particles stuck in between the braces that need softening.

Next, brush at the gumline at a 45-degree angle. It helps to use a toothbrush designed for people with braces. After that step, place the toothbrush on top of your brackets with a downward angle while brushing each bracket.

Then, slowly reposition in order to brush the bottom part of the brackets. Ensure that each tooth gets brushed properly to avoid any plaque build-up.

Brushing With Braces

How to Maintain Good Oral Hygiene While Brushing With Braces

Ready to make a change in your dental hygiene but don’t know where to begin? Here are some helpful tips on how to maintain good oral hygiene while brushing with braces in Brooklyn.

#1 – Avoid eating certain foods

Crunchy, sticky, and hard-to-chew foods must be avoided to protect both your teeth and braces. Craving popcorn, taffy, peanuts, or carrots? Unfortunately, you need all your might to resist the temptation of eating them; otherwise, your braces can get damaged, and you’ll end up paying more for the treatment.

#2 – Replace your toothbrush every now and then

Experts recommend you replace your toothbrush every three months, and this is because the toothbrush can harbor bacteria, so using it to “clean” your teeth would be counterproductive. Additionally, the bristles can get worn down in time, making them less effective in brushing your teeth.

#3 – Visit the orthodontist

With your braces on, you’re actually supposed to take regular visits to the dentist or whenever you’re scheduled to do so. Don’t skip out on the visits, as it’s how the orthodontist is able to check the progress of your teeth and also clean it professionally.

#4 – Rinse with mouthwash

Wearing braces means there’s a higher chance of getting food stuck in your teeth. Therefore, rinsing is essential in order to get rid of any lodged food particles that cannot be easily reached by a regular toothbrush. Additionally, rinsing with fluoride mouthwash helps keep the teeth healthy and strong.


Maintaining good oral hygiene while wearing braces can be a challenge, especially if you don’t know the correct way of doing so. We hope this article has helped you in taking better care of your teeth and gums, especially during your braces treatment!

Should you have any concerns or questions about braces and oral hygiene, feel free to contact us or schedule a consultation to have your inquiries answered!

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